Coming Soon

Cheresse Thornhill-Goldson & Liz Connelly
Donte and Ronald are joined by Cheresse Thornhill-Goldson (Design Director of Adidas S.E.E.D. and No Shoes Creative) and Liz Connelly (Co-founder and program manager of Adidas S.E.E.D.). The BRNDD duo get to chop it up with Liz and Cheresse about their history in design, forming the S.E.E.D. program and more!
- 5:50 – Introductions
- 17:29 – What is Adidas S.E.E.D.?
- 20:15 – Taking a Leap of Faith
- 25:58 – Creating a Comfortable Space
- 31:39 – The moment of Clarity
- 33:56 – Getting into Adidas S.E.E.D.
- 38:00 – Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number
- 42:34 – Working at the Brooklyn Farm
- 50:05 – The Favorites
- 55:33 – The BRNDD 10
Liz’s BRNDD 10 Playlist
Cheresse’s BRNDD 10 Playlist
Cheresse’s BRNDD 10 Book List
- FIRST THINGS FIRST by Stephen R. Covey
- PURPOSE AWAKENING by Toure Roberts
- WHOLENESS by Toure Roberts
- START WITH WHY by Simon Sinek
- MASTERY by Robert Greene
- THE SPEED OF TRUST by Stephen M.R. Covey
- MINDSET by Carol S. Dweck PhD
- DARING GREATLY by Brené Brown
- THE 50TH LAW by Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson & Robert Greene
- PRINCIPLES by Ray Dalio
- Bonus: MAMBA MENTALITY by Kobe Bryant

Dexton Deboree
Dexton Deboree is a filmmaker and branded content creator who has worked with the likes of Nike and Jordan Brand. He’s also the founder of Falkon, a creative production agency. Ronald and Donte sit down with Dexton to talk about his journey into becoming a director, working with Will Smith, his Unbanned: The Legend of the AJ1 documentary and more.
- 6:21 – Finding Sports
- 12:03 – Moving from Athlete to Artist
- 17:41 – From Cigar Talk to Commercial Work for Jordan Brand
- 32:20 – Unbanned: The Legend of the AJ1
- 38:24 – The Importance of Minority Storytelling
- 48:45 – Will Smith’s “Best Shape of My Life”
- 58:19 – Favorites
- 1:01:43 – The BRNDD 10